Hey Friends!
Back from our ’round-the-world adventure with my family. It’s so powerful to be able to travel and see what’s going on in different parts of the world — you find what’s common between you — regardless of the different languages and cultures — and what’s uniquely expressed through the heart of that culture.
I think I’ve always loved that since I was a child.
Growing up in the North East, I went to elementary school on an Indian Reservation. There was a converted mansion on the grounds, big space to play and lots of friends.
I loved my friends. It was truly a melting pot as my best friends were different races, religions, and cultural backgrounds. Elise was Jewish, Melanie was African American, Nina was from India, Zoe had moved into the neighborhood from Greece, Melissa was German Protestant — and I was an Italian Catholic.
These were my closest friends.
Going to their homes was like stepping into a different world: The foods, the customs, the smells, sights, and sounds — I loved every drop of being in their world. It made me feel alive and adventurous – and like I was part of something really special.
And I loved sharing the uniqueness of our culture: The Italian feasts, the rituals, symbols and songs….
With all those wonderful differences, we shared the common joys of play, smiles, laughter, food, friends, and family.
Maybe that’s why I feel so comfortable when I travel to different parts of the world: It’s in me to learn and explore wherever I am and to enjoy what’s common and unique, alike.
Today, I’m inviting you to be part of the Global Health and Healing Summit with Dr. Allison Palmer.
She’s taken health experts from all over the world, brought their unique strengths and perspectives together and put them together in this Global Summit for our common good. It’s current information — all about what’s happening NOW in the healing conversation.
I was excited to be interviewed by Dr. Allison on the topic: You are the Alchemist: You have the Power to Heal Your Life.
The Alchemist is someone who takes base metals and turns them into gold.
I truly believe we have the power to take our health situations and turn them into something valuable to us – just as I have experienced that Hashimoto’s has been illuminating and healing to my life. It’s caused me to examine my thoughts and beliefs and to re-evaluate where I spend my time and energy in work, rest and relationships — and to heal the unhealthy parts that were driving me since my youth.
I couldn’t have sustained the way I was living and believing in the first part of my life. Hashimoto’s helped me to stop, take a look and make new, healthier, HEALING choices.
That’s part of what you’ll hear from me – as well as many rich wisdoms from the other guests on the Global Health and Healing Summit.
Even though it’s great to travel the world, it’s kind of nice when it comes straight to your door — and brings the gifts of healing with it.
Please join me for the summit…
I look forward to healing together.