Join Me in Italy!

Edwin Friedman, a Jewish Philosopher talked about “risking adventure”. That our mind could only comprehend so much in our thinking about things — and then, at some point, we had to step out and actually do it. He said that once we DID step out, a whole new part of our brain and our life opened up — and in doing so — brought great transformation and joy to our lives.


florence & venice, italy

October 17-23rd, 2024

Benvenuti, Belle!

Welcome, Beautiful Women! Oh my gosh. How excited are you about Italy? How long has it been part of your dreams to whisk away to this gorgeous country and lose yourself, while you find yourself, in the experience? To meet other amazing women, to feast on delectable food, to breathe in air that wafts with chianti, truffles, and olive oil, and to be surrounded by non-stop inspiration?

I know for me, it was part of my dreams as a child in my Italian-American upbringing. I longed to speak the language I heard my relatives speak, but no one taught me (unless you count my dad and his colorful vocabulary of swear words that made my grandmother sweat and make the sign of the cross on herself!) I longed to travel to Italy, but nobody took me. I longed to know my history and culture, but nobody shared it with me.

I felt frustrated as a young child who had this big hunger and didn’t know how to fulfill it for myself.

Fast forward into my adult years, I was grooving along as a professional musician and speaker, taking my Italian classes, and being a young married woman — and found myself in a health crisis. By day, I researched healing solutions, but by night, I found soul comfort and hope by researching my rich Italian lineage. I reached out to my family members all over the globe and discovered a book that was written about my family — these people who were strong, resilient, and leaders in politics, writing, healing, music and were a very important part of establishing the culture in different regions throughout my homeland. I was in awe. Those passions are in my cells and part of my legacy — no wonder I was so hungry for Italy! I drew on the strength of my lineage while I was healing and it renewed my passion and vision for learning the language and traveling there.

And so, I did.

You had to see me the first time I was there, walking the streets of Florence. You couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face. I kept saying to myself, “I know these people and this place, it knows me. My soul is at home here.”

It was so freakin’ powerful.

I’ve lived my dream of being there, of bringing my husband and sons there for months, and now bringing other women into this gorgeous experience of a lifestyle and land that I love so much.

I believe in that: That you live your dreams and you take others with you. I’m living my dreams. I want that for you, too!

So, if Italy is part of your passion, I couldn’t be more excited to be your host and guide to one of the most beautiful, transformational, and soulful experiences you could have there. The retreats that my team have planned for 2018 are so special — designed just for you! So much fun, so meaningful, so memory-making… I can’t wait to share them with you!

I’m thrilled for you to say, “Yes” to you…

Sending you big, Italian love and excitement for our wonderful time together!

Stacey xo

What They’ve Said

‘Thank you’ isn’t enough to say. It’s forever indebted. I mean, there’s no amount of money, there’s no amount of praise, or offering you can give to somebody for opening the doors to your dream — I don’t know how you do that — other than to say, ‘I love you.’

Shelley Jean W., Orlando, Florida

The connections are the best part. Because when I was thinking about what this experience was going to be like, I thought well, of course it’s Italy so, I’m going to love it. I love Stacey, I trust her. And I don’t have problems making connections with other women, but I thought, “They’re just going to be different from me.” But the word connection has nothing to do with similarities or differences – it’s just about an openness. Feeling this lifelong bond with these other women — not only because of the shared experience but because of who they are – and the love and honor that they deserve and that I want to give them and that I feel from all them. So, it’s the best part of the trip…the connections with the other women.

Cathy H., Short Hills, New Jersey

I was so afraid of being with all these women that I didn’t know. I was really afraid of not being able to be authentic. But being with all these women and the love we all shared and showed each other…There’s almost no words for it, except that it was beautiful.

CarolAnne M. RSM, California

There is something that stirs the soul and makes you feel even more alive when you awaken in Tuscany.

It could be the sound of church bells from the duomo in the distance, or maybe the scents of lavender and rosemary from the garden — or maybe it’s that first sight when you look out the wood-framed window of your charming villa and see rolling hills, olive trees, and chianti vineyards all around.

Or maybe it’s just that ineffable quality that you can’t explain but you feel it and you know that you — and your life — will never be the same because you’ve encountered this sacred space.

my beautiful friends…

This is how I felt on my first trip to Italy. I felt alive, engaged, connected to who I am and my dreams again. Even though I spend my life as a writer and communicator, truthfully, the place that Italy touched in me was beyond words.

It was a soul-level experience.

As soon as I came back, the women who had followed my trip on social media started asking, “When can we go? Will you take me with you?”

And then, someone asked the magical question, “Would you ever consider leading a retreat to Italy? If you did, I would come!”

I sat with that for a few weeks and then, I went and took my family to live for a few months in the Tuscan region. After sharing it with them and seeing the joy on their faces and the healing in their hearts, I knew I had taken the seeds of my joy and planted it in them.

I spent the next several months in a LOT of transition with a moldy apartment, moving twice in 3 months, and writing my new book: An Unconventional Life: Where Messes and Magic Collide.

Sure why not. Why not just write a book about all the craziness and what you got out of it…

That’s when I started journaling about the Italian retreats I would lead. The places we would go. The food we would eat. The women who would come.

women just like you.

Women with big hearts and big dreams.
Women who want to feel more in touch with who they are.
Women who want to share beautiful experiences with other beautiful souls.
Women who want to live the next part of their life as the best part of their life.

These are the women who inspired me to share the Italian experience with them.

Yoga in the morning. Beautiful, fresh foods. Art. Music. Private tours. Healing. Soulful conversations.

And You.

oh the food…

Being someone who is always gluten-free, sometimes grain-free and sometimes dairy-free, I wondered, “What the heck am I going to eat in Italy? Air?”

In the land of pasta and cream, I was concerned. But the first time I went…

I knew I was at home.

Italy has 4.2 million people with Celiac disease. Because they honor this condition as well as people truly enjoying their food, they make the most delicious gluten-free dishes you can imagine.

I could have gelato on a gluten-free cone AND they would go to the back to scoop my flavors from a fresh container so no gluten touched it.

They would sometimes have designated kitchens to prepare my gluten-free tagliatelle with wild boar sauce.

We had an entire 6 course meal at a Saffron farm that was entirely gluten-free!

And the pizza — oh my. You’ve never had gluten-free pizza like this.

The pizza is worth the trip alone.

So, please know that your gluten-free needs will be well taken care of on this trip — both at the villa with our meals by a personal chef — or in the restaurants when we venture out.

One thing you will be able to count on: It will be delicioso!

coming back to you

I love that my guests have one pursuit that they share in common:


It’s so easy back at home to get into a routine that seems to put us on the bottom of the list.

Our jobs
Taking care of others
Helping family members heal through crisis
The health condition that seems to demand a lot of us

Those are all so important but sometimes we forget to add us to the list. We forget how important our renewal and our joy are to us.
We forget how much more creative and inspired, happy and free we live when we feel refreshed and recharged.

We forget that that is important.

In Italy, we remember.

As we do our daily journaling and walks.
As we breathe in our yoga and meditations, and create beautiful art.
As we eat food that someone else has prepared and we get to enjoy without getting up and down a hundred times to help someone else.
As we get to practice the art of trusting that while we’re away, everyone else is still in good hands.

It allows us to remember and reconnect with who we are.
The Divine in us.
And the Sacred in each other.

We get our cup filled with laughter and friendship. Food and adventure.
We get the deep rest we need and the practice of surrendering being “large and in charge” of everything.

It’s really important. Because when we remember and reconnect, we return home differently…

Everyone in our life benefits from us going to Italy.

So, basically, when you go to Italy to take care of YOU
You’re giving a gift to EVERYONE you love.

What do you think about that?

so come along, risk adventure

Because once we push past that veil of fear and take a step onto new soil, we seem to have an easier time knowing and embracing ourselves and living from that beautiful, powerful heartspace again.

Life transforms dramatically when we risk adventure.

Do you want to travel to Italy? I would LOVE to travel with you, too!

what’s included…

Airport transfer to/from residence

Thermal Baths

Mud Massages

Gluten-free cooking class

Shopping, wine, and adventures

Day trips to gorgeous locations

Yoga & Meditation


Soulful Conversations

Delicious gluten-free food


And surprises…

(Day trips locations may be subject to change depending on weather or what would be most fabulous for us)

Not included: Your flights to and from the retreat, travel insurance, any missed transports, your gelato addiction.

$6250 Double Occupancy
+ $1500 For Private Room

($1,500 non-refundable deposit secures your space)

Payment plans available

why italy for you?

Before one travels to Italy, there is some kind of fantasy we have of the Italian lifestyle – that it’s filled with passionate people, art around every corner, music in the streets, and food that leaves you speechless.

And then you actually travel there and realize, it is all that…and so much more.

To walk the cobblestone streets, to hear the lyrical language spoken by the women sipping aperitivo, to see the men sit in the piazza with their neighbors, to watch the children playing ball and eating gelato — while the minstrels are creating the background music for what feels like your very own movie…

You can’t describe what it does to your soul.

Except that it makes you feel more alive.

More connected to your purpose.

More you.

risking adventure

There’s a wonderful Jewish philosopher, Edwin Friedman, who said that our brain could only imagine up to a point, and after that, we needed to risk adventure. That means, it isn’t enough to only think about travel and connecting with other amazing women while eating copious amounts of gelato, but that we actually need to DO it, in order for a part of our brain to open up and transformation to occur.

That’s why saying, “Yes!” to a trip, getting your passport, choosing your flights, and landing on different soil for an experience is something that will shift your being. It’s as if you’re saying to life, “I’m all-in. I’m going to invest in me and reconnect to my soul. And, by the way, did I mention that I’m going to do it in Italy.”

You can’t be the same after this — but don’t let that scare you — you will be more of who you are and do more of what you’re here to do.

Why? Because these retreats are about opening up a part of your mind, heart, and soul that nothing else could ever give to you other than risking adventure. This is your time to enjoy the wonder of you…

Italian style.

your host

Stacey Robbins CHC, RYT200, is a soulful Italian-American who lives her Renaissance Life as an Author, Speaker, International Life Coach, Yogini, and Italian Retreat Leader. Stacey has lived her life as an Alchemist — turning the situations that were challenging or life-less and turned them into gold for herself, her family, and her community. Her books are filled with stories of wisdom, humor, love, and miracles. Stacey’s coaching clients are all over the world and rely on her deep heart connection, strong intentions, and powerful guidance to support them in their personal growth, relationships, business ventures, and dreams coming true.

Grab Your Reading Material

An Unconventional Life: Where Messes and Magic Collide

If you’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall to someone’s off-the-beaten path experiences, you get to do that with Stacey Robbins and her family in An Unconventional Life: Where Messes and Magic Collide. These true-to-life stories about Cellulite and Ninjas, traveling across the globe, and unbelievable encounters in unexpected places, will engage and inspire you — make you laugh and make you think… about how brave we can be to create our dreams or to find the lessons and sweetness, hiding in the not-so-dreamy times. You don’t need to be rich or famous to do it — you just need to be willing to be true to your heart to live An Unconventional Life.

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