(VIDEO) Join Stacey as she shares her Hashimoto’s story of gaining more than a 100 lbs, and one of the key reasons her healing was stuck.
If you’re thinking of taking your Hashi Mind Game to the next level, check out Stacey’s The Girlfriends’ Guide to Hashimoto’s Coaching Series, it’s her 30-day online Hashimoto’s Coaching Course to help you find your power, and love your life.
If you’re interested in getting Stacey’s book “You’re Not Crazy And You’re Not Alone: Losing the Victim, Finding Your Sense of Humor, and Learning to Love Yourself Through Hashimoto’s” – go here.
The discussion continues in part 2, The Hashimoto’s Mind Game (Part II): How We Got Stuck, How We Get Free
Thank you Stacey for being vulnerable and sharing how your journey to emotional health impacted your physical healing. The step work I am doing in ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholic and Dysfuntional Familes) has brought to light the limiting beliefs that I latched onto as a child in my family of origin. I agree with you that the root of all those limiting beliefs is a shame based feeling of unworthiness. Doing the very introspective book work and meeting with a support group has helped me to change my unhealthy ways of thinking. I have made many other lifestyle changes as well in the areas of sleep, diet and stress management, but my antibodies have not decreased, and the Hashimotos still isn’t in remission. I am working with an integrative doctor and a nutritionist and am hopeful that change and healing are still possible.
What a great work you are doing for your life and your soul. Wow.
I’m with you on the shame-based parts of the unworthiness. It’s a powerful glue that binds us to a lot of heartache when it goes unaddressed. You and I can both attest to that.
As far as the other changes to your lifestyle, diet, sleep and stress — those are all essential components, too. So, well done in taking the whole thing on.
Since I don’t know your specific food program or other rhythms, I can’t speak to why the antibodies are not going down, what I can say is two things:
1. Sometimes there’s something in our diet that can affect that. Or EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies) or chemicals. Sometimes there’s an infection or parasite that can be interrupting our healing to the next level…there are many things to explore.
I see TPO as an indicator, but not my only one: If I’m having good energy, a positive outlook, non-reactive skin or breathing when I eat certain foods, or solid, good rest and restroom experiences (have to be delicate here) then, I focus on those markers more than my TPO.
Keep noting your progress. It sounds like you’re on a great healing path!
Sending love,
Thank you for your video and especially for your book. I am from a large Catholic family also, and many of your stories were familiar to me. If I really stop to think why I am sick, I need a purpose. I have been the overworked music teacher, performer, stressed out mother of 4. Now that I have stopped my work and my kids are grown, I don’t have a direction. My hashimotos and EBV are what define me. I am searching for direction, so that I stop spinning out on myself and my thyroid. I am 55 years old, it’s time to accept all of the gifts God has given me , throw away all of the guilt, and enjoy this life. Sometimes it feels like as soon as I start really engaging in life, exercising, socializing, relaxing into myself, I get sick…slowing down is not a choice. And so my prayer is to live today with purpose, and be kind to myself and have a very thankful heart for all that God has given me.
I think you and I were separated at birth by about 10 years. Oh my. I really get it.
First of all: I think I can tell this by what you wrote: You are getting clear that Hashimoto’s and EBV do not define you. There is an interesting youtube Tedx talk that I want to post for you. If you listen all the way through, the man Jon, talks about health at the end. It is VERY interesting in his simple words how profoundly he states what our health is drawing us to. We share a similar message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21j_OCNLuYg
Do you take any time to meditate or be in nature before you start your work day? Anything that has less words and more space and silence that can serve to still you and allow you to be alone with you?
In my next video on Tuesday I’m going to talk about how we got into some of those limiting beliefs and how we can shift out of them. I will be keeping you in my spirit as I record that video. The answers in there are for you and all the women I know who wrestle with this, too.
You’re not alone.
My heart is with you. Let me know what you think of the Ted talk!
Sending you love and healing,
I know I need to change my thoughts, but how does this change my life? I am a young mother with hashi’s, pregnant with my second and seemingly intolerant to all foods. I just want to have a normal life again. This disease has taken so much and almost took this second baby. I want to just go out to dinner with friends and have a good time. My friends have all moved on. I want to spend less at the grocery store. It seems the more i am trying to heal myself, the worse I am getting, which is probably due to these beliefs. ahhh, just so hard. If I just knew how I needed to eat, or what I need to do to sleep. But I guess this is a step I can take right now, to begin to like myself again and get rid of some of these bad thought patterns. I used to be an athletic, outdoorsy, girl who loved to bake and get together for coffee. I feel like all that has been taken from me. I cannot do the mountain biking or running I used to. These strict healing diets and my IBS no longer allow me to cook or bake or try new fun restaurants, and no more coffee. 🙁 Sorry to sound like I’m complaining. I know you have been through this place and that I will get through it first. So starting now, I am worthy of life, love, and friendship, despite my inabilities.
Big sigh over here. So much to do with being a mom, pregnant, going through diet changes, body changes, life changes. It’s a lot. i’m taking a deep breath for you.
When you’re going through a lot, it is a perfect (and necessary) time to be kind to yourself.
Loving thoughts.
Loving actions.
Loving beliefs.
Yes — as much of a stretch as it seems — this is the time to notice the negative voice in your head but not necessarily let it lead you down the path that’s easy to go.
In my next video that we’re posting tonight, I talk about how to get out of those limiting beliefs. One thing I want to encourage you to do, whether before or after you watch the new video, is to have a new mantra to repeat when the old voice of negativity and regret starts whispering — or screaming — to you.
I’ve been reading an Oath the last 95 days of my 100 Day Gong (a spiritual practice where you do something everyday.) One of the lines is, “I keep myself lifted in high consciousness no matter what the appearances are.” And you know what’s weird, Sara? I have been lifted in a higher consciousness.
I can’t fully explain it but I know that I hear that sentence in my head, more than I hear my worry.
I’m sending you love. Please let me know when you watch the next video if it settled anything for you.
You’re not alone. I care about where you are.